Wedding Officient
Relationship Coach
Career Coaching
Inspirational Programs

Becoming Who I Am-Before Saying “I Do”

Happiness in marriage is not something that just happens. A good marriage must be created. It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

Lee developed the program “Becoming Who I Am Before Saying I Do” to provide a

personal perspective for individuals considering marriage, and to help guide and encourage successful marriage relationships.

In a marriage relationship, individuals need to be aware of who they are and the degree to which they will commit themselves to their partner. If these factors are mutually realized and discussed by both partners, it will help ensure the success of soul mates becoming sole-mates for life.

We know what makes a marriage work, love, commitment, communication, laughter, support, honesty, and valuing and bringing out the best in one another.

Before the wedding is the time to talk about your expectations of marriage and of the understanding you have of yourselves and each other.


The purpose of the Becoming Who I Am-Before Saying “I Do” program is to guide and encourage individuals who are on the road to a marital commitment.

Becoming Who I Am-Before Saying “I Do” is based on the reality that it's important

to strengthen your relationship and prepare constructively for future challenges and conflicts that everyone will inevitably face at some point in their marriage.

Couples now face more demands and have less support than ever before. The typical complex marriage - managing two careers while rearing children really requires that couples have very strong, well-established abilities to communicate, resolve issues, maintain mutuality, and set goals. Without this foundation, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and pressures.

Couples who attend Becoming Who I Am-Before Saying “I Do” are able to better overcome challenges and difficulties. Special reading and homework activities are designed to encourage couples and help assist the couple by building a better understanding and foundation for their married life.

Just a little effort now can make your odds a whole lot better for success over the long run. You want to do everything you can to ensure that your dreams of a great marriage and a great life are realized.

Know and understand that in a marriage relationship there will always be challenges and difficult times, don’t try to avoid them, - a little inspirational coaching may be all you need.